Health is your biggest benefits investment and 43% of employees stay at their job because of it.
Let’s make sure it’s really working for them.
In the past 12 months, 25% of adults have skipped or postponed getting health care they needed because of the cost.
65% of working adults said their ability to afford healthcare has been impacted by price inflation.
Nearly one-third of Americans’ have health care-related debt, with a key contributor being expenses related to chronic health issues.
Employees spend an average of 4 hours a week at work dealing with personal financial issues.
We're built to be flexible. Ansel Health's wide-ranging coverage gives you a valuable tool to help offset the higher costs your employees are taking on — shielding them from sudden financial shocks.
Ansel Health’s flexible plan designs can be customized to complement any health plan.
covered injuries and illnesses from fractures and appendicitis to cancer
more covered conditions than Accident and Critical Illness plans—combined
plans are 100% guaranteed issue. No medical underwriting required
Zero limitations or exclusions for pre-existing conditions
Enroll through our platform or build Ansel Health into your benefits administration technology. Either way, your team can get personalized recommendations to guide their benefit elections through our plan shopping tool.
Plus our licensed Member Care Representatives are on call to answer questions so you don’t have to.
After our paperless implementation process, employers have on demand access to policy documents, enrollment data, and plan administration tools, including reports and billing, via our Employer Portal.
With Ansel Health it’s simple to tell us what happened, upload documents already on hand, and file a claim in minutes with our online Member Portal or mobile app. Once approved, claims are paid in hours by Venmo, Paypal, or directly to a designated bank account.
More coverage and a better claims experience means more employees will get value out of their Ansel Health coverage.
Ansel works with groups of almost any size. For voluntary plans, our minimum group size is 10 eligible lives. For employer-paid plans, our minimum is 5 eligible lives.
We're flexible. Employers can cover some or all of the premiums to enhance the health benefit offering. Ansel can also be offered on a voluntary basis for employees who want to enhance their primary health coverage with extra financial support.
Ansel is currently available for employer groups based in AL, AR, AZ, CA DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, NE, OH, OR, OK,PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX,UT, VA, WI, and WV, and a growing number of states as we expand nationally. If you’re interested, we’d love to hear from you.
Ansel offers affordable premiums that vary based on age, benefit amounts and who’s covered. Premiums for individuals under 50 start as low as the monthly price of your favorite TV streaming subscription.
Nope. It’s easy to do an off-cycle enrollment with our plan shopping and enrollment platform, Ansel Enroll.
Ask your insurance broker to contact us. Or get in touch with our sales team by submitting your info through the contact form or emailing